Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Kilt Outfits

Scottish men often opt for the traditional look when it comes to weddings, be they the groom, best man or a guest.

Those interested in the history of the kilt can find many sources online and in print giving timelines and details of how the kilt came into being, but suffice to say that it’s been around for a fairly long time, dating back to at least the 17th Century.

Whether hiring or buying a kilt outfit, the options are vast. Picking a tartan can often be the most troublesome aspect. The bride will have picked out a colour scheme, but does the Groom’s family tartan compliment the colour scheme or does it clash?
One of the other difficulties is if the Groom comes from a traditionally Scottish family, does he have a kilt in the tartan of his mother’s family name or his father’s?
There is some speculation that the Groom should wear the tartan of his mother’s family so in our case, my fiancée has a kilt in Lindsay tartan instead of Macintosh (Noble).

There are different jackets for different looks of kilt outfits; the casual look is best with a Crail Jacket, or Argyll Jacket, whereas the Bonnie Prince Charlie Jacket is deemed to be the traditional choice for formal events.
Typically with the Bonnie Prince Charlie Jacket a 3-button waistcoat is worn, with a bow tie, or dicky bow. However it is now becoming more popular to wear a 5-button waistcoat with a cravat or ruched tie.

When’s a Scotsman not a true Scotsman, when he’s got something on under his kilt, and as the Bride you’ve every right to have a wee peek to check!

No kilt outfit is complete with out a sporran, kilt socks and a sgian dubh.

Fear not, kilts are available for all the men in your life, even the little ones!!

Pictures reproduced with kind permission of Jac at Little Tiger Creations and also to David Kane at David Kane Photography

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